Hello sweet
bloggers. It's time once again for Pink Saturday, which gives us all a chance to stop in and say hello. I love reading your comments and visiting to see what you have been up to this week.

As you can see, spring has hit the dessert and we are
rejoicing with blooms. This is one of two nectarine trees that are too gorgeous for words. Because these trees are young, we had no fruit on them last year. We are
hoping for a bite this summer, or at least a taste. The bees have been busy, so we have hope.

Yellow is my favorite color and I also love the hibiscus, so I had to sneak in a bloom for you!!

I also enjoy the different colors of these potted anemone's, and look! there is a pink one.

A close up just for you. Lets make sure we thank Beverly from
how sweet the sound for once again making this possible. Please be sure to visit as many pinkies as you can and leave a comment, I know they appreciate it as much as I do.
Such beautiful blooms. Funny how a nectarine tree has pink blossoms.. gorgeous. Hope you get some fruit this year.
Char, Wow the blooms are gorgeous! We had 2 inches of snow 2 days ago. But spring is right around the corner. Can't wait for our blooms. Thanks for sharing. Carol
Super lovely flowers! It is that time of year when flowers are just great to see!!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hugs, Lisa
I am so jealous!! It was cold here today in NY but they are saying a little warmer this weekend. Love your pretty Pink flowers. Happy Pink Saturday Hugs Grace
I loved those beautiful nectarine trees...they're just gorgeous and your flowers are beautiful. Spring is finally on the way... Happy Pinks and have a lovely weekend.
Hi, Char,
Hooray! It is certainly looking like spring there in the desert! Thank you for sharing your pretty blooms and brightening my evening. Happy Pink Saturday, sweet friend! Vicki
Your flowers make me wish I lived out in your neighborhood. They are so pretty, but we are going to have to wait a while before we do anything. They use to say we should plant potatoes by St Patty's day, but I don't know if our snow will be gone by then. There are so many hugh piles that will take a while.
Wonderful blooms, Char! I'm sharing my roses today too. Happy Pink Saturday to you and have a lovely weekend.
Oh my goodness, there is a world out there, complete with flowers. Thank you, Char, I always need a dose of what is going on in the REAL world.
Happy Pink Saturday!
I'm smiling after seeing your lovely flowers posted. ta ta for now.
Joyce M
Thanks for sharing the photos of your early spring! They are beautiful!
Sherry @ A Happy Valentine
Happy Pink Saturday Char.
Wonderful and delightful!
Happy weekend.
Happy PS!
In Shoes We Trust,
Maggie Mae
"Do these shoes match this purse?"
Love your post! Happy Pink Saturday!
Oh this is such a tease. I want SPRING NOW!!! lol Your flowers are just lovely! I'm a little late visiting, and I was late this morning posting, but I finally got it done. Happy PS!
Back Porch Blessings,
Hi Char!! It's me- Tobi! Thanks for stopping by- When is your birthday?? I am asking because I read your profile and I am also an Aquarius and a Rat too! My birthday is January 21st. I love your blossoms! Do they smell as sweet as orange blossoms, cause there is not much that beats that! My mom had orange trees when she lived in Arizona before she passed, and they bring back such fond memories.
Anyhoo, I hope everyone had as lovely a day as we had here in the Pink Pixie Forest! So many new friends I am so happy!
Have a wonderful day tomorrow!
Sparkly Hugs,
Happy Pink Saturday Char Sweetie...
I adore this post. Your flowers look so beautiful. Your nectarine trees sure look beautiful and with the bees at work you will hopefully get fruit this year. I love your anemones (is that what you called them?) They are just beautiful, almost look like a poppy when they are all opened up. So beautiful.
I still have much work out there to do. The lemon treee is loaded with lemons, and we have more blooms coming on the tree. I just cannot keep up.
My roses are starting to bloom, my geraniums too. It has kept me busy this weekend.
Hopefully we will be having a luncheon the end of the month and we can see each other. I have missed you sweetie.
Country hugs and much love...Sherry
Char, the photos of these flowers are wonderful, so cheerful and pretty colors. My peach tree has
sprouted leaves, so Spring will soon be here in Central TX.
Thanks for sharing.
The flowers are delightful.
Yellow happens to be my favourite colour too - it goes way back to my childhood - such a happy colour.
Happy pink saturday Charlotte!
Elena :)
Beautiful color in the flowers, Char. They are so brightening. I had no idea that was nectarine...I was guessing something like a cherry blossom...just beautiful. Happy Early Spring there and Pink Saturday~
Very beautiful - Happy Late Pink Saturday!
Happy (late) Pink Saturday, Char! Ohhh the blooms are so beautiful! Your potted anemones are so brigh and cheerful!
Thank you for your visit and your sweet words!
Have a lovely Sunday!
Spring is in the air, I think I can finally say it ALOUD. Beautiful flowers.
What beautiful blooms,,, amazing how gorgeous the blooms are on fruit trees.... hope you get your taste this year.... thank you for the lovely Spring flowers... have a great week.
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