You have probably been through this before: your darling husband has to go to Lowe's for grass fertilizer and requests your company. It's the last place on earth you want to go on a gorgeous Saturday afternoon, but being the
loving wife that you are, you go. While Mr. Handsome was over filling his cart with bags of stinky stuff, I wondered over to the plant area. I wasn't looking for anything particular, just browsing around, enjoying the sights and taking it all in. Then it happened!!!!! I fell in love. LOVE AT FIRST SITE.

I have always loved orange blooms, any orange blooms, but this is over the top beautiful. We grow lots of
hibiscus plants in the desert. They are everywhere, every color and type. I am most enchanted by the single blooms instead of the doubles, but when I saw this plant, I had to bring it home. Oh, how I wish there was a scent, it would be heaven, I just know it.

So beautiful I had to show it again, once more, one more time.

This is a single and my favorite color: yellow. Isn't she pretty?! I love the throat of the single blooms and the

Just look at that!! It's so sad they only last a day or so, but then, they bloom all summer and into the winter. Isn't life grand!

This is one of many of my
hibiscus. Not yet there, but on it's way. I am so excited......Happy Spring everyone.

Camila is blooming also and look at the size of those flowers. Sadly, no scent here either. Do you see a pattern going on with me.....I never thought about that before...

I hope each and everyone of you enjoys your gardens this year, with all the rain we have had across our great nation, there will be blooms enough for all!!!
Beautiful single and double hibiscus, Char. You grow camelias in the desert? I didn't know they'd grow there - I love them.
Very pretty, those home repair stores get you every time with their gardening section! LOL! I love that orange flower! If it had a smell I am thinking orange blossoms! Thanks for sharing.
We should have the most beautiful gardens with all this rain~ what lovely photos!
Those flowers are just so gorgeous, Char! The orange ones are splendid! It's always a pleasure to visit you! Hope your weekend has been wonderful and the week coming up brings you lots of blue skies and blossoms.
What gorgeous lovely flowers and the photos are so wonderful I can almost smell their fragrance.
So gorgeous.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful flowers. I have to wait a while longer before even thinking of planting any. We still have snow on the ground, but it should be gone by Tuesday. We are to be in the 60's Yea. Take care Your Missouri Friend.
LoL..we have the same problem. I love going thru the hardware store. I must admit I've enjoyed it way before it was the in thiong to do. The smell of lumber, the paint, the sheets of copper and galvenized steel....Today we ended up at Home Depot..Jim went to lumber..me to garden, paint, home center. You guessed it He didn't find what he needed, but I came home with some pansies.
Happy Spring
Wondelful flowers.
HI char!!!!
I just might have to head back over to Lowes for that orange double hibiscus!!!!!that is one lovely plant!!!!
SEE you this Sat.
I'm sooo excited for it!!!!
I think everyone instead of chatting away and not being able to hear everyone, we should allow everyone like 3-5 minutes to introduce themselves, how they got started blogging, that way you would hear everyone and get to know everyone, or at least feel like you do!!!
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