Yesterday was a favorite of mine. We woke up to a gentle rain that lasted most of the day. If you read my blog, then you might remember a couple of weeks back that I posted the Queen Creek wash after days of heavy rain. I was not able to ride my bike due to the closure of the riding path. The pictures showed you the creek all dried after the rain. These pictures are from today, and just look at the current. This is where the wash goes from one side to the other. We had a glorious day today of sunshine and weather temps in the low 70's, but I couldn't get across the raging water.

This is the first time in almost 7 years that I have seen moisure in the wash. It is eye candy for sure.

Raging currents with a lot of power.

The sound was amazing and it's something I don't think I would ever tire of. Believe it or not, you could see ducks and hear frogs. It makes you wonder where they hang out all year long when this is dry....hummmmm

Anymore rain and I am sure this path would be under water.

There is a walking path that connects us to another neighborhood, it was the path to nowhere.

A sign says to stay off the path when water is present, gee, do you think??!!

So, what did I do while I was inside all day watching the rain? It's amazing what one can get done when they are in their pjs and in the studio, watching Lifetime movies.......LOVED IT!!

How about making tags for my etsy shop?

And more tags......

Don't stop now, I am on a roll...

You just can't make tags without there being something french.

Last, but certainly not least, I made a hanging sachet for my website. Don't you just love it when you are going thru your "stuff" and you find some treasures that you had forgot you had? That is exactly what happened with this sweet angel image. I didn't want to forget such a beautiful child, so I had to make something with her. I think she would be proud.
Ooh, your photos are incredible! I have such a love and respect for Nature... you really captured some beautiful shots... I love listening to the frogs too! xoxo Julie Marie PS I don't think it looks like a path to nowhere, I think it looks like a path to somewhere magical and beautiful!
I enjoyed your pictures and post today. I really would like some of that 70 degree temperature. Maybe it would make the snow melt faster. I love what you did with your adorable angel. If you figure out where the frogs hide when it is dry, let me know. Your Missouri Friend
Your photos are gorgeous. I hope you're able to get out and enjoy the day today. Have a great day...Mary
It rained all day here yesterday. I'm ready for spring warmth. Your tags are ultra pretty!
Totally sweet, Char! Love the creations and the tags are 2die4.
Rain is always welcomed here. Snow and ice, not so much!
PJ's and movies are the perfect mix.
Love to you~Rebecca
Hello, Dear Char,
I know you must have really enjoyed that wonderful rain! Maybe springtime is just around the corner! Your tags are so pretty, and that little hanging sachet is gorgeous. I am glad you ran across the sweet image and could use it to make something so lovely. I love to stay in my pj's from time to time, too. Retired life is really wonderful, I must say. Hope your week continues to be full of sunshine and have fun creating. Vicki
I just adore the robin's egg blue tags. Well done!
I have SO been enjoying the rain. Your photos are fantastic.
HI Char!!!!
Sat. March 27th at 1 p.m.
downtown at teeter House if I can get it!!!!
But that is the plan!!!!
Could you make it????
E-mail me or post about it!!!
miss you
What lovely photos you've shown us my dear. thank you for taking us along for a walk in Nature with you.
We've had rains for months now, day in day out, never missed a week, and I'll tell you I'm really getting tired of it.
It's really incredible all you achieved on one rainy day... love all your tags and that romantic hanging sachet is so darling.
you're so talented!
i without a doubt adore your own posting way, very attractive.
don't give up and also keep penning mainly because it simply just nicely to read it,
excited to looked over more of your current posts, have a pleasant day!
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