I am married to one of the worlds nicest men, but he has no understanding of the word junk. If he doesn't see a use for it, it must be junk. Sometimes I see something, pick it up and it ends up in the garage for use later. Maybe I have no idea what I will do with it, but it's a treasure, and it's mine!! Now don't get me wrong, my man is wonderful, but when he wants to clean and clear out the garage, he means everything he sees as not useful.....:( This is why it was time to finally do something with these two items I found. You know how it goes, out of site, out of mind. That is what happened here.
The above piece is something I found (I have no idea where, when or how) but I had to have it. I think it had a mirror in the center, but I didn't like that. This was a frame, I added knobs to the bottom and a chalkboard in the middle. So shabby and cute I think. I added some crackle, messed it up a bit and it's going in my etsy shop.

This was a cupboard door in it's earlier life. I love beadboard and would like to have it all through my home some day. I painted this a creamy, cottage white, added knobs and some lovely resin floral work to the top and sides.

I love the detailing of the roses and the leaves. Very sweet and just plain pretty too.

This is also going in my etsy shop, afterall, I can't have it all, can I? Or maybe I can!!!
Oh my....these are both wonderful. I love beadboard too...it's my favorite thing!
This is so pretty.....Hummmm....I have some doors in my cellar from a kitchen redo...Hummmmm....I am inspired!!Thank You !!
Lovely, lovely pieces of junk!
Well I would hardly call these junk after you added your magic touch.
They won't last long in your etsy shop.
Char, I understand about guys who can't see past the junk so out it should go. Girl you out did yourself they are beautiful! Carol
I understand a hubby who does not appreciate all our goodies we pick up. Ha! I love your chalkboard. I really love what you did with the cupboard door. Now that is so creative and charming!
Hi, Char,
You did some amazing transformations on the chalkboard and beadboard. They are both very elegant and charming. I am glad you did not let hubby do away with them! Have a wonderful weekend! Vicki
For junk, they sure are pretty. It is amazing what you can do with old stuff if you set your mind to it. Did he still think it was junk after you got through with it. Take care.
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