Ok, I just have to say, I love a dark, gloomy, wet and rainy day. I could take this weather for weeks at a time. Fires in the fireplace, hot cocoa, staying inside and in pjs all day, that is pure heaven for me. So then you may ask yourself, "what is she doing living in the desert where the sun shine 352 days out of the year!!??" And I will answer, "I have no idea!"

These are pictures of three of the parks in our sub-division that I took today. I ventured out with our daughter and grand children, and of course thought I had better share this with my blogging buddies. The above is one park with bar b que, picnic tables and a volleyball court made of sand. Sand you ask? It's there, or at least it used to be.

You have heard the phase, "build it and they will come?" I guess that applies to ducks too. I have no idea where they came from, but here they are.

A smaller park near by. The ground is saturated and the rain water has no where to go. I would guess the grass underneath won't be around long.

With the leaves off the trees and all the rain as well as the grey skys, baby it's cold out there.

You can never have enough of the liquid gold and we are suppose to get more. I don't know where it will go, maybe I will take a picture of us in a boat going down stream.....wouldn't that be fun??!!
I do believe there is a Noah building a really, really big boat somewhere out west!!
Stay Dry!!
I saw those ducks in your neighborhood as I drove by going to the dentist this morning!!!!!How funny, I almost pulled over and snapped a picture,a s I always carry my camera too!!!!!haha
I LOVE LOVE the Rain!!!! I say Bring it on and on!!!!!!
But yes, we may need a Big ARK soon!!!!!I saw where Rain is forecast even next week!!!!!!
Love it!!!!
I'm trying to organize a ladies day trip UP North to Prescott for the day!!!! Leave around 8 a.m. from our side of town, meet Marty, Sherry, Ceekay and who ever elase wants to come along!!!! We could have lunch in town, shop the antique stores on Whiskey Row and head out to the forest for a little play in the SNOW!!!!! 2 weeks from tomorrow, will that work for you???? I think it is Feb. 5th?????
let me know what you think!!!!!
Those are probably Canada Goose or Geese - they are there like the other tourists who left the north for the winter. lol That was so nice that they have a pond to live in, planned or otherwise.
Stay dry Char - we have a blizzard coming our way by Sunday night and Monday. 25 cms. of snow. Now which would you rather have.
Hi Char;;; Wow that is a lot of rain,,, what a lake..lol We used to live in Glendale Az. and when it rains out there it really rains.... hope you are staying dry. Out here we have been getting some rain,, this weekend we are getting more... love rainy days too.... have a wonderful weekend.
Hi Char,
As you can see, I am at Pauline's in Brawley, Ca. We will be heading to Prescott on Monday by way of Yarnell Hill....it has been wet and wild here, too. No ducks, tho, just mud! More coming on Tuesday! You know how I like these days, but it is not so good for the lettuce and citrus growers. They can't get the trucks into the fields to pick....
Monday we will be headed into the snow....where our son is, there is about 5" of snow and the kids are thrilled to pieces and sent me a picture of the snowman they made. I thought this was what we were trying to escape from...hahaha!
Take care...Jil HPS, too!
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