The weather in the desert is very different from the rest of the country. Altho it is cold here at night, gets into the low 30's, it warms up during the day and is beautiful weather to be outside enjoying the fresh air. I still have roses that are blooming, but this is citrus time. My limes are ripe, maybe just over ripe. This is the first year we have grown a lime tree and didn't know when they would be ready. As you can see, they are starting to turn yellow, which means they are over ripe. We will know better next year. Live and learn.....they are still delicious.
My tangelo tree is loaded this year and the fruit is ripe. I remember having only a few last year, so this year I can share with the family. Fresh picked, juicy and yummy.
Just look at that!!
We have pink grapefruits as well. These are very sweet and my family loves them.
We haven't picked these yet, maybe this week, and I will share some with my pinkie friends. Come over!!
Oranges, not quite ripe yet, you can tell because the skins are still a little green. Maybe next month.
A few of my roses are blooming. This one is on a rose tree and smells like heaven. Such a lovely color too.
My pink one is not the best, but it was the only one on the bush. I love the two toned pinks.

I have been making tassels for Valentines Day to list on my website. So much fun and thought I would share them with you. I hope you enjoy my pink post this week and love your comments. Have a great week and please come back to visit often, I love the company.

I have been making tassels for Valentines Day to list on my website. So much fun and thought I would share them with you. I hope you enjoy my pink post this week and love your comments. Have a great week and please come back to visit often, I love the company.
Hi, Char,
How wonderful to grow your own fruit! I am sure it tastes so much better than what we can get at the grocery store. Love your sweet tassels! They are perfect for Valentine's Day, one of my very favorite holidays! Enjoy your weekend and Happy Pink Saturday, sweet friend! Vicki
Happy Pink Saturday Char sweetie...
What a beautiful post you have shared today. I love the flamingo, aren't they just the most amazing? I mean how can that big body stay balanced with those skinny little pencil legs? I just don't know how they do it.
I love the tassels you have made. They are so festive. I love the red and black one. That is just beautiful. I keep saying I am going to try to make some. I haven't made it yet, but I will keep trying.
Your fruit looks wonderful. We only have Heidi Girl's lemon tree and it is so loaded. I have been very sick, was at the Dr. today, so I have not made it outside to pick as of yet, but soon. I may have to put the grandkids to work for me this year.
Thanks for sharing sweetie. We still need to set aside a day to get together. Maybe you could teach me to do tassels. I am working on some Valentine letters that CeeKay and I are going to make in a couple of weeks when I am better. I couldn't go today, because I am running a fever and couldn't bring the germs to her.
I think of you often, especially when I see the beautiful pink haired doll of yours. She is devine.
Country hugs and much love sweetie, Sherry
Ok Char, love the fruit..I am on my way..we are in the process of slowwwwly landscaping our back yard..we want citrus too.. I would like a Meyer Lemon and a lime for sure..I did not know that about limes being overripe! Hard to tell with citrus.
Have a great week fellow desert dweller!
Your citrus is amazing!!!! No lemons on my tree yet!!!!
Cannot eat grapefruit, But I love it!!!! My med says no!!!
Love oranges too!!!!
Beautiful flowers!!!!
Oh Boy..Oh Boy!! Do I live in the wrong part of the country!! I can't imagine picking fresh citrus in January in my back yard.....
Love your tassles!!
How fun and what wonderful pictures of Cabo. I love your new tassels, sooooo cute. Thanks for coming by and have a great Pink Saturday
Enjoyed your Pink post today... could help but think with all this collllld weather if we will have problems once again with our organges :(
Im an orange juice nut :)
If you get a moment I would love you to stop by-- say hi and maybe join us next week at Fridays- Finding Beauty!
TTFN~~ Claudia ♥ ♥
How lucky are you? I'd die to have oranges in the backyard. Of course they'd die too, seeing as we have 37 million feet of snow.
So jealous of your roses. Just lovely!
Hi Char! Glad to see the citrus your way is doing well!.. As for me and the temps around here, I'm staying IN the house, tucked under an afghan, with my hot coffee, or hot chocolate!! Now, with my crochet projects close at hand and ready to go, all I need is a good movie, OR the shopping channel! (0; Uh-oh!.. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your valentine tassels you're showing today! Happy Pink Saturday, and have a wonderful weekend! ~tina
Sweet little tassels. Love your beautiful photos. Wow. That fruit looks wonderful too. How funny...we are surrounded by a little snow and all the sudden fresh oranges are what we crave! Have a blessed Saturday!
Goodness, I had forgot all about summer and flowers and grass until I came here! All I see is white. Thanks so much for reminding me that there is life beyond the ice and snow☺
Wonderful post, from the beautiful sunset to the beautiful fruit to the beautiful flowers! Thanks for sharing.
Hugs and Happy Pink Saturday!
What a beautiful pink sunset. It's so nice to see some warmth and flowers after so much snow.
These look wonderful. We're up to the oxsters in snow over here, and as it hardly ever snows in London (this is the worst winter since 1963, when it was on all the newsreels) everything is falling to pieces! So it's great to have a reminder that summer will eventually arrive...
Do you need someone to carry your bags? Take me! Seriously love your blog.
Joyce M
Happy Pink Saturday.
Beautiful post
and delightful captures!
I've Been to Cabo too:).
Enjoy the weekend.
What a pink picture perfect post. I love the photo at the beginning of your post. I hope you enjoyed Cabo and are having a wonderful Pink Saturday.
Oh my I ADORE all your shares.. I would LOVE to run over and share some of that fruit.. :) The tassels you created are BEAUTIFUL.. what a fun idea!!
Thank you for stopping by my blog today!
I bet Cabo was beautiful. How lucky! I love your post. Happy Pink Saturday. Hope your weekend is great. Thanks for stopping by. Winona
Happy Pink Saturday Char. These photos of the the roses and fruits are spectacular. How wonderful to go out and pick your own citrus.
Thanks for sharing, and I love your tasles!
How nice to see some tropical images in this chilly January!!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Dear Char - what a wonderful, heart-warming pink-post! It's unbelievable to see al those flowers and fruits while here in Austria everything is snow-white and while readig that in Scandinavia the temperatures are about -30 degrees Celsius (brrrr)! I enjoyed your pictures very much! Hugs, Traude
What a great variety of subject you share this week. Pink or not pink, they are all lovely.
I like your garden with all exotic fruits and flowers.
You sunset photo is a picture perfect capture too.
Have a nice weekend!
Oh my goodness! Your tassels are WONDERFUL! I love them! Thank you so much for coming by my blog and wishing me a happy Pink Saturday! It is VERY fun! Your roses are lovely, too. Limes, lemons, tangelos, grapefruit - it's citrus heaven at your house. Mexico sounds pretty peachy, too!
Hi Char,
What a great pink post! I long for the warmth of tropical climates and to see such a beautiful sunset. I'm so envious of your mild climate and down right jealous of you luscious fruit! Enjoy!
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Char. I don't know where Cabo is, but I sure wish I lived there, too, picking limes instead of shoveling snow. I'll just sit here in my warm den and enjoy your garden. Thank you for sharing it with us. Oh, I love your tassels! Rosie
Thank you for cabin fever break!I want the pink flaming!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hi Char,
What a lovely post, from flowers to fruits, to pretty things..It must be nice to see everything in bloom!
I am so jealous! As I am freezing in NY and sick it was so wonderful to see the beautiful fruit trees. Lemon with sugar works wonders on the throat..Thanks so much for visiting me today you are such a sweetie Hugs Grace
I'll be right over to pick some fruit with ya! I loooove tangelos - they're so sweet and they peel so easily. I'm drooling over the beautiful roses~we miss ours so much. DH had over 25 bushes at our last house.
I can't get over all the beautiful citrus you have. You'll be so healthy eating all that good vitamin C.
Happy Pink Saturday~oh, and I do love the pink flamingo!
Charlotte, What beautiful roses! ANd I adore those tassels....Have a wonderful Pink Saturday...Becs
Happy Pink Saturday Char!
I love all your pink photos, the pink flamingo is fantastic.
I wish I could have him in my back yard. And to grow fruit like that, wow!
Your tassles are so pretty. I'm gonna check out more of your stuff on your web.
Lovely post! I love the hibiscus, they are one of my fave flowers. Your tassels are so pretty!
Happy PS
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
January Charmed bracelet giveaway!
Hi Char, Happy Pink Saturday! Beautiful pink post, love that fruit and the flower is just beautiful. Loved those tassels and your vacation looks like a dream!
Blessings, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage
That citrus fruit looks delicious. And it sounds like you had a wonderful holiday after Christmas! Your photos are so lovely - I really like the sunset. Your tassels are really nice. Hope you had a wonderful Pink Saturday!
Oh so nice to se that sun shine! i am sooo jealous!! So much beautiful to comment on here. That hibiscus is so gorgeous! your tassels are to die for! You're very creative! Hope you are having a great weekend! Sherri : )
Oh so nice to se that sun shine! i am sooo jealous!! So much beautiful to comment on here. That hibiscus is so gorgeous! your tassels are to die for! You're very creative! Hope you are having a great weekend! Sherri : )
How great to go out in your own yard and pick your own fruit. You are right that is the most beautiful Pink Hibiscus I have ever seen.
I really love seeing another side of the world today. Though I love our Michigan winters and all the snow, it's really fun to see beautiful fresh fruit and a stunning flamingo on this lovely day! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful weekend!
The sunset view looks very calming and beautiful. I wish I could walk barefoot on the sand or just sit there. Nice to hear you had a wonderful Christmas spent.
And look at your citrus trees. They sure gave you plenty of fruits!
Wishing you a blessed New Year!
Hi Char,
That sunset is heavenly! Good for you for taking a trip to Cabo for the holidays. Thank you so much for showing us your ripe fruits and beautiful pink goodies. I'm a little late with the rounds but that's okay.
Sending you fairy magic and butterfly wishes for a .•*˙˙*•.HaPPy PiNk SaTuRdaY!.•*˙˙*•.
Cheers! =D
~Kitty Kellie
Hi Char! The fruit trees are magnificent. You must have a green thumb. I love pink flamingos and hibiscus. Your site is lovely. Arizona is an artist's paradise. I visited there about fifteen years ago to hike the Grand Canyon. I'd love to go back. Have a great week, and thanks for stopping by. -Terri
Hi Char,
Wonderful fruit trees. Mmmm orange juice sounds good. I ♥ freshly squeesed oranged juice. And your roses are gorgeous. Oh and can't forget the pretty Valentine's Day tassels. Have a wonderful day.
Hugs and Kisses,
wow, your garden looks sooooo pretty right now...I am jealous..lol..hope you had a great weekend
Hi Char: Your garden is wonderful. This is the first year that my citrus trees gave me fruit. I was so happy, I grow them in pots and had not had much luck. This year they are doing wonderful. Love your tassels, I going to go check them out. Blessings, Martha
Char your fruit is divine! I was in California last year & got to taste some of the fruit just off the trees. Nothing like it!!!!! Just looking at these photos made my mouth water! Have a great week. Charlene
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