January is a perfect month for new beginnings. The time of year when we look forward, starting over, make promises to ourselves. I decided that this month would be the perfect time of year to clean the tops of my cabinets! Crazy? Probably, but it's something that needs to be done, doesn't it?
It's not the cleaning that is difficult for me, it's the decorating that has me stumped every time. You see, I am not a natural, it's very hard for me and on me. I think we all know someone that can walk into a room and put everything in it's place to perfection........not me!!! I can study books, magazines and someone else's work, but that doesn't help me at all. So, with that being said, I started my chore and finally got it done. I must admit that I am pleased with the outcome and I am smiling.

When hubby and I bought this home about 7 years ago, we bought it new. I was asked the question, "do you want staggered tops or flat tops on your cabinets?" What?, I really had no idea what the question meant. You see, I am married to a military man, and he has served his country for a proud 30 years. We have lived in many places, but I never had anything but flat, or straight cupboards. This was not something I ever thought about. When given the chance for something new, I grabbed it. The different heights and widths, bring it all on, what a great chance to display collectables and just have some fun.
To be honest, it wasn't fun, it was work. I didn't have a clue what the heck to put up there or how to go about making it look like anything but a dropping off place for unwanted items.
I figure that I finally made it happen, I like the look and am happy. The one thing you need to realize is that what goes up there, isn't coming back down for another year!!! At least, not in my kitchen. So, I had to find items that I not only wanted to look at, but items that I didn't need during the year. This is what I came up with. I hope you enjoy this tour of my kitchen.

Over the fridge, a couple antiques and some greenery. I find that greenery in the kitchen is a must, brings in a freshness and some color.

I loved this pig picture, but really didn't know what to do with it, now it's perfect and even has a friend. The copper on the right is a lunch box from Turkey, not something you would use everyday, so it fits right in up here.

I love roosters, and have a couple along with some bird houses. Grouping them together just seemed like the natural thing to do. It's a hint of what is to come.

This is a joy to see. Some of the items had to be heightened and so I just used empty food boxes, they can't be seen and they get to be repurposed.

Though the years, I have collected lots of copper and brass. The lights above are also from Turkey and work great in this space.

I don't think I would use them for their intended purpose, so up here I get the best of both worlds. Two of the lights hold oil and have wicks, the third holds a candle.

You can see one of the boxes from up here, but down below you can't.

This is one end of my cupboards, I am happy, everything is polished and clean, ready for another year.

This is the opposite end, love the pig!

A tiny space gets a little tweats house. I really had no where to use this sweet home, now I do.

I have no idea if this look will be one that will last more than this year, but it was worth the work and the time it took me to achieve. Don't be afraid of simplicity, it's a clean, natural look as well and can be very calming.

None of these items were something I was ready to get rid of. I love them all and now they have a place of honor and can be seen.

I hope you have enjoyed this little tour of my humble kitchen. Don't be afraid to think outside the box, have some fun and enjoy your treasures everyday.

Everything has it's place, and now on to something else that needs some attention....to be continued for sure!
Looks good! I never saw staggered cabinet tops, I think I like it. I too am pondering what to put ontop of mine. I just moved here and have high ceilings in this kitchen too, so I can put alot up there. Im thinking putting some of my paintings up there since Ive lost some wall space in this house. You have inspired me tho to get creative. thanks.
I love the way your cabinets look. Specially the piggies and the copper lunch bucket, although everything is so pretty. I wish my kitchen looked this pretty..
I relly like it! If someone would have told me about this I would have said crazy but really pretty.. Thanks for sharing Grace
Your kitchen looks very pretty - and I think you did a very good decorating-job!!! :o)
I also want to tell you that there is a little "giveaway-lottery" on my blog.
Maybe you've got the time and the good mind to go in for my draw. Would make me happy :o)
Hugs from Austria, Traude
That is so funny, I just cleaned on top of mine, seriously, I could have farmed up there, I think that is the hardest place to decortate...I love yours, and I especially like that everything is special.
Beautiful results for a big cleaning job! Your cabinet tops look like something in a home decor magazine.....
It looks great and you would appear to me to be a Natural!!!! Love all of it!!!! I clean up there, twice a year, fall and spring!!! But Jan. seems like a good time to me!!!! Maybe I can cut back to once per year!!!!!
I am so afraid up there any way!!!!!
I love all if it!!!
Char, your cupboards are beautiful! I love the staggered look! You did very well decorating the tops too. It all looks fabulous; good job!! Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful week.
Oh what a great post! I love your cabinets and wich I had space on top of mine for goodies. I totally agree with your enjoy your treasures! I like playing with mine! Moving them around when I clean is the only reason I clean sometimes! hehe
Hugs, Lisa
I really like the way you have decorated your kitchen. It has brought out the farm girl in me. Your staggered cabinets give me a new idea. It is something that you don't see that often which makes it unique. You are so creative. Take care
You did a very good job and even gave me some ideas! Thanks.
This is the first time I have seen staggered cupboards. Very interesting and different. You did a great job with the decoraing of it.
Hi, Char,
I had never seen cabinets staggered like yours either. I really love that idea. I think your vignettes look so pretty there on top of them. The copper and brass are very pretty! I have the same problem of deciding what to put on top of mine, and like you I have to put something under some items to make them tall enough to be seen. I think you did a terrific job! Thank you so much for stopping by and helping me celebrate my birthday, sweet friend!! Vicki
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