Does this look at all familiar?? Tiny Tim being carried by his dad. Yes, it's from A Christmas Story. Beautiful Simpich dolls. Beverly asked us to write about a favorite ornaments, but I did that last week. Anything the children make for me is an instant favorite, a keepsake from the heart, for all time. SO....this week I am writing about my second favorite....Simpich Dolls.
When I married my husband of (can you believe, it's already been 37 years!!) his family had this wonderful tradition of collecting Simpich dolls and adding to their collection everytime a new member entered into the family. My sweet husbands step mother knew Jan very well before she and her husband began making dolls. They would create and design a doll for their children, modeling the facial expressions after their families likeness. They created "cloud babies" for the new babies of the family. These are sweet babies laying on fluffy white cotton clouds that hang from the Christmas tree. I have them for both my husband and our children, but they are not yet unpacked, so I can not share a picture with you.

Next, come the Angels. This one was for me. When my in laws passed away, my husband and I received our Angels for our own tree. This Angel is blond, blue eyed and reminded my in laws of me, so she was mine.

Here is a close up of all the perfect craftsmanship that went into each and every piece created my this wonderful company. The store was located in Old Colorado Springs and when you visited, you could walk around and watch the artists making the dolls as well as painting the features. It was something we did each and everytime we visited our family.

Altho my husband does not have red hair and freckles, this Angel was his.....he did however blow the horn, so this is a little piece of his personality for sure.

I was gifted with the Kratchet family one year!!! I do have Scrooge but unlike the cloud babies, he is not unpacked as of yet. The workmanship is perfect on these dolls down to every last detail.

If you are interested in learning more about Simpich dolls please click
here. Sadly, the store is no more. I think they just needed a break, but pieces can still be found on there website. Altho they closed the store, there now is a museum to showcase their work. They also do puppet shows, just beautiful, so if you are ever in Colorado Springs, you should look them up.

Mother with her holiday pudding.

Brother with his bowl of apples.

Sister with a candle.

They proudly sit atop my buffet during this time of year. I love them not only for their beauty, but for what they represent. These dolls are highly collectable and I have heard that Nancy Reagan was a huge collector also.

No pink here, but if we are talking about familes, I thought you might like to see my twin grandsons and my mother. She just celebrated her 82 birthday last month. The boys, Jack and Kyler are 2 1/2 yrs.

Kyler, just too cute for words.

Jack has eyes that will knock you over.

Our son, daughter in law and grand baby girls. What a blessing we have been given. God is good and I am so honored to be a part of this family.
Thankyou so much Ms Beverly for making Pink Saturday possible for all of us that love pink. You can find more pinkies at
How Sweet The Sound. Please drop in and visit them this week, hear their heartfelt stories and share in their holiday treasures.
If you are wondering why I had to post so early in the week, it's because I will not be here until next week. If you are wondering where I am going, I will let the cat out of the bag next week. I am very sorry, but I will be unable to post or visit this week, please forgive me, but I will try and check in with you when I return, I don't want to miss anything. I really enjoyed all your stories last week and am grateful for your comments.
Hi Char,
Your dolls are absolutely exquisite! Their faces have so much personality; who wouldn't love each one? You are very blessed to have them, but then you already know that! Thank you for sharing these with us. Your little grandsons are adorable as well, but then you also know that. Have a wonderful week wherever you are.
Christmas blessings,
What a beautiful family you have! Thank you so much for sharing!! I love your dolls. And I know what you mean about the unpacking! I have barely finished and still think I missing some things!! I hope you get all your sweet dolls out soon! Thank you for sharing!
Hugs, Lisa
What beautiful dolls! and family! Blessings!
Your twins are darling. I know you must enjoy them. I love your Christmas dolls. What a treasure.
Really enjoyed your post with all your amazing figures....what a great collection...
Your family is beautiful and aren't grandbabies just the best? I know I adore being a grandmother...or "Mo" as I am called.
Have fun where ever you are going and when I get to Texas, if we get to go...snow and all, you know...I will catch up to the mystery.
Hi Char, The boys are adorable and your Mom looks like a lovely lady. Thanks for sharing your beautiful collectibles. Rest and enjoy! Hugs, Mollye
Hi, Char,
Those dolls are so wonderful!! What a treasure for you and your family. I loved each and every one of them. I hope you enjoy your time away. Blessings to you, sweet friend! Vicki
I meant to comment on your beautiful family. Thank you for sharing their pictures with us. Vicki
Char, that is a lovely family you have there! And your dolls are amazing. I enjoyed reading your story very much. How special that you have these great memories to pass down through the family.
Happy Pink Saturday...
Sheila :-)
Hi Char,
Happy Pink Saturday to you too.
Love the dolls, they are so adorable. And the pics of the family, just lovely.
Have a wonderful day.
xo Cathy
We don't need elaborate decorations or a big tree or numerous gifts under a tree. All any of us needs is to carry the spirit of Christmas in our hearts and to share it all year long with everyone we meet.
Your blog is cute but those little boys are CUTER! Lucky you!
Thank you so much for sharing your blog with me today. Yes, I'm crazy about ♥PINK♥ but I'm also devoted to visiting some of the nicest blogs in cyberspace.
Hoping your weekend is filled with peace.
The Simpich's retired (Bob is over 80 years old). Jan was here last Saturday at my store because her daughter reenacted Beatrix Potter for us. Last night we attended David Simpich's Marionette presentation which is in the old Simpich Building right here in Old Colorado City!
You have a wonderful collection!
Good Afternoon!!! someplaceinthyme.blogspot.com is one of the best innovative websites of its kind. I enjoy reading it every day. Keep it that way.
These dolls are so neat! I have never seen them before. Your grandchildren are so beautiful! I can see why you are such a proud Grandma! Disneyland at Christmastime looked like it was lots of fun too! Happy Pink, Happy Holidays and have a very Merry Christmas!
Morning, I have a few pieces of Christmas Spode china, and I love to use it each year. Your family and twin grandsons are a good looking bunch!
Enjoy your Christmas time.
BTW: I do not see snow falling, but I am happy that I don't! That always takes so much longer for the post to open. So keep that snow; I'll take sunshine!
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