I know that many of us say the same thing week after week, but it's true, where does the time go? It's time to get ready for another pinkie visit to all my Pink Saturday friends, WoW! the weekend is here.....again. Thanks to Beverly from
how sweet the sound for making this greatness possible. We have been asked to share a favorite memory of our childhood this week. As hard as I have been thinking about this, I keep coming back to the same Christmas morning.
Before I tell my story, I want you to know that the above raindeer was made by my daughter in kindergarden, many years ago. I would take a tree with handmade ornies from my children over any store bought ornies any day of the year. They are priceless and made with so much love.

This little paper tree with birdseed glued to it is over 25 years old. My son made this when he was in kindergarden. Sadly, the paper is falling apart. I think I may need to laminate this between plastic sheets to keep it. It, along with the raindeer, is my most precious ornie yet.

I remember waking one Christmas morning to find a pink wooden doll cradle under the tree. Inside was a baby doll the size of a real baby. The doll and cradle were store bought, but the pink satin pillow, cover, sheet and mattress where handmade and hand quilted by my grandmother. It was probably the best gift I ever received from Santa. Sadly, years later while I was in high school we had a house fire and I lost everything. But....I still have my memory and will never forget the love and care that went into a very special gift that year.

This is a beautiful stocking that I made and listed on my website
someplace in thyme. It has romance and and an image of a sweet child with a basket of pink roses.
I hope all of you enjoy your day and I look forward to visiting you and sharing your special memories of Christmas past. Happy Pink Saturday!!
Oh my gosh I love all the old collected ornaments from the kids's school. I save them every year. When I was little I would make them in elementary and my parents still have them, my girls love looking at the creations I made when I was their age. The holidays can be such a wonderful time.
I love your post today.
Happy Pink Saturday, if ya get a chance stop over I am participating in pink Saturday this week.
I love the ornaments from the kids when they were little. They are just treasures & what a lovely memory you have of your doll & her quilt.
xo Tami
Hi, my sweet friend Char,
I am with you. I love an old fashioned tree with ornaments from days gone by. I have ornaments that my children made in school or Sunday school. I always put them on the tree. I loved your Christmas memory of your baby doll, crib and bedding so lovingly made by your grandmother. The stocking you made is so romantic and gorgeous!! Happy Pink Saturday to you!! Vicki
Hi Char...
Happy Pink Saturday sweetie. I have to tell you I love your post today, and thank you so much for sharing with me. Your kids' ornaments are just precious. I have ornaments that I hang on our tree that all 3 of my kids made in Kindergarten and I also have ones that the grandkids made in Kindergarten. I never get rid of anything.
I am so sorry that you lost your babydoll that year. That is so sad sweetie. Like you, just knowing that memory exists, warms your heart.
Stop by and read my story. I hope it will warm your heart too.
Country hugs and much love sweetie...Sherry
I too save all those precious ornies my children made! Your Christmas memory is so sweet and I am sorry to hear about the fire that took her, but not your memories of her!
I, too, have lots of my childrens ornaments made lovingly when they were in school....many are falling apart, like the paper chains, but I can not part with them.
Your stocking is beautiful!
Hi Char!!!
I love all the old ornaments too!!! So many cool memories!!!! Our kids will think that when they get their first home made ornament!!!!
Great pink stuff as usual!!!!
where does this weeks go????
I need about 8 more!!!!
Happy pink saturday Char.
Handmade ornaments by our children are precious & great keepsakes.... there's always a story behind them.
Thank you for sharing your story.
Have a fabulous week.
ciao for now,
Elena :)
pS: I have a giveaway posted on my blog
I so loved your post today! Like you I have so many ornaments my children made in school that I can't display them all. So sorry about your loss of the doll....
I love the stocking you made. It is absolutely beautiful!!
Have a Wonderful Day!
Oh Char,
Your precious reindeer and charming tree ornament, to me are what makes our lives so special!! You are absolutely right about the handmade treasures we receive from our children. I have each and everyone from all occasions!!
Thanks so much for sharing and enjoy your Pink Saturday!!
xOxO Nerina :)
On this first Saturday of December ♥Jappy Pink Saturday♥. I was away for a while and sure missed running around the blogs arnd seeing all of the goodies everyone was sharing.
Thanks for the memory...
It was a blessing for you to make my morning so much fun. Hoping that you and those you care about spend a wonderful weekend making memories that will last a lifetime☺
Hi Char, I can just see the beautiful little doll cradle and coverings. No fire is big or bad enough to erase the memories it took is it. Happy Pink Saturday and Merry Christmas, Mollye
I agree the ornaments your children make you are the most special, I have every one of them. Love your memory about your doll, so sorry about the fire but we do have our memories. Absolutely love your stocking, it is beautiful.
Happy PS
What a beautiful childhood memory. I am so sorry your precious mementos were lost in a fire. My husband's parents house burned down a few weeks before Christmas many years ago. Store bought items can be replaced but not the photos or precious handmade items made by loved ones.
I have many ornaments made by nieces and newphews when they were young and I hang them up on your tree every year.
Have a wonderful Pink Saturday!
Those ornaments truly are precious. And I loved your sweet story. I'm so sorry you lost your baby bed and coverlet so lovingly made by your grandmother, but I'm glad the memory of that love still burn so brightly for you!
Your stocking is beautiful! A very talented lady you are. Me thinks you take after that grandmother you loved and who loved you so much!
Happy Pink Saturday...
Sheila :-)
aw, what a story.
your photos are so pretty.
happy pink saturday!
Well, first of all that stocking you made is gorgeous! I am sure it will be snatched up quick. I am so sorry you lost precious things in a fire. But you hold the memory in your heart and that is important. Yes I would laminate that ornament or something to save it. I too still put old ornaments on the tree that my son made when young. Pink Blessings!
Gifts from the kids are the most precious memories. These are so beautiful ornaments and your handmade stocking is gorgeous.
Thanks for sharing!
I too love the ornaments from my children and the vintage ornaments I have..you know, the ones that can't be replaced. I'm so sorry for the loss of such a treasure as your sweet doll,cradle..and the bedding so lovingly made by your grandmother.
That treasure can never be replaced, but the love is still there. House fires can't destroy that. Happy Pinks and have a most wonderful weekend.
Ohhh I love the handmade ornies from my sons too...still have them as well.
Your stocking is just gorgeous Char!
Enjoy the weekend and sending blessings your way...
What a beautiful, but sad story, dear Char. But as you say - nobody can take away your memories. I think it's the same with the children's ornaments - may be some day they will fall apart, but they will be kept in your heart... I wish you a wonderful Advent-time and a happy PS! Hugs, Traude
I'm so sorry you lost that lovely present in the fire. You're right, though, you still have the memory of it and that is priceless.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Yep, yep, I have all those lovely homemade ornaments from my children, too. And they are some of my favorites. I was tickled to hear that you had the same Barbie I did. We must be from the same generation ;-)
The stocking is just beautiful. You did a wonderful job. Thanks for visiting my blog and have a wonderful Pink Saturday.
What lovely ornaments from your children. The stocking is wonderful. Love your blog.
Happy Pink Saturday.
Amazing stocking! Oh, and you're such a good Mommy! Thanks for sharing & Happy Pink Saturday!
Happy Pinks, Char! I too love old fashioned Christmas decor! Of all the pretty ornaments I've collected, my favorite are the ones my daughter and son made when they were little!
Your stocking is beautiful!
The children's ornaments are something we all hold dear. They are memories of such very happy times. Thanks for sharing your Christmas memories with us. Have a great day and enjoy the holiday to come.
I love the ornaments!
It is absolutely beautiful!
Happy Pink Saturday.
I Char. What a great, sweet post. I feel the same away about my children's ornaments. I cherish them the most!
I opened up the most fabulous gift ever one Christmas Eve. (That is when my family shared Christmas with one set of Grandparents and my Great Aunt and Uncle) My Grandma had bought me a small baby doll and a much larger doll, as well. My Great Aunt Elsie, Grandma's sister had created a pink satin cradle for the babydoll out of an old grape crate. She had also sewn an entire wardrobe for the other doll and made a little closet to hold them all. They were complete with tiny hangers. I only have a few of these precious items left, but cherish the memory. Thank you for sharing.
Mermaid Debbie
I love your Christmas story, especially about the doll and your Grandmother making the blanket, pillow case and mattress. What a blessing to have the ornaments made by your children. I agree - so much more important than store-bought ones. I really enjoyed reading your story - I think Beverly has a hit with the Pink Saturday "theme" - I know I enjoyed writing mine.
Happy (belated) Pink Saturday.
thanks for visiting me, and for your sweet comments. I too, have some of my kids ornaments from when they were little. Aren't they just the best! Sorry to hear about your house fire, and that you lost all of your treasures. I can sympathize. My husband is a fire chief, and they have had some bad ones. Blessings to you, and have a wonderful Christmas!
Wonderful treasures and memories. I truly enjoyed you post today. I was so thrilled you stopped by for a visit.
You are sooooo right about the collection of children made ornaments. I kept everyone, and the wooden ones we painted together. They were my Christmas Gift to my only Son and his wife on their first Christmas together! Now my Grandchildren enjoy putting them on the tree along with the ones they make. Thanks for sharing your story...it was a great reminder. Isn't it a Hoot about the North Pole being North of Amarillo? I'll never forget that...even though I had no idea where Amarillo was back then!
How sweet to have your son's little ornie! Thanks for sharing your Christmas story with us. I'm a day late making my rounds but I'm wishing you a Happy Pink Saturday anyway. You create the most beautiful stockings, Char! Love them!
Hi Char, those ornaments your children made are precious. Hope you can preserve them.
Oh, that baby cradle and quilt sound so beautiful. So sorry they were lost in a fire.
The stocking you made is gorgeous!
Thanks for visiting my blog and the sweet comments, Char.
Hugz ♥♥
Thank you for your memories. Mum hangs my childhood ornaments on the tree too. I am still at the age where I don't know why she wants to keep them as I think they are ugly!!! In years to come I am bound to find joy that she kept them.
Oh Char
What a sad story with such sweet memories attached. I glad that everyone in your family was alright after the fire. Those ornaments are the best!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Enjoy your memories, old and new!
Hi Char...I also had a favorite baby doll when I was little..I wonder what happened to that baby doll.would love to find one like it just to HAVE it..sorry about losing all your physical things in a fire, thank goodness a fire can't wipe out the memories we have..
Thanks for visiting my memory. I always like to say we did not have Norman Rockwell holiday. ever. But they were OUR holidays and still fond memories!
Have a great week! Barb
Hi Char....
I'm so sorry you lost your dollies in the fire.......how frightening....I'm glad though that you have those memories...
Your little ornaments from your kids are just too cute. I put a paper angel as my tree topped every year that my little grandson made as a really little fella. I love getting it out and I tear up every time.
Your stocking is sensational! What a lovely gift for someone special....I'll bet it sells right away.
Char, When I was in third grade, we had a house fire. The things that were lost are still in my memory. I sympathize and understand. Those precious little ornaments made by the kids are so special. I smile everytime I take one out of the box.
Happy belated pink Saturday.
♥, Susan
The handmade ones are the best aren't they!!
I agree........homemade by children is always best. They put such love into making them. Besides, they are always so proud> So sorry to hear about the fire - I can't imagine. Happy Pink Saturday!
Charlotte, thank you for sharing this beautiful Christmas memory. I was saddened to read about the fire, but I am glad you have this sweet memory.
Happy Pink Saturday. I love your treasured ornaments. I have some my son made which are special treasures to me, too.
Hi Char
I love my children's home made ornaments also, and cherish them every year when I take them out of storage. Now I can't wait to collect some made by my grandson when he is older.:-)
Your pink memory was so lovely! Happy pink week!
I'm gld you still have a wonderful memory of your cradle, doll and the homemade quilt, pillow and over but, it breaks my heart to know such a awesome gift was lost in a fire!
I can look at all the beautful things you make and can see that your grandmother's spirit is still alive!
Have a wonderful day!
Love the reindeer. I have a similar one that my son made when he was in kindergarten. It's about 30 years old. I need to glue his head back on.
Your memory is very sweet... sorry to read about the house fire but the memory of what your Grandmother made for you is oh so precious!
Hello Charlotte,
It's sad when that happens. But isn't it aamazing and unexplainable too the feeling that we feel towards something we have which we knew was made by someone real special? It's like the love from that person is passed unto it :-)
I love the handmade ornaments made by your children. You are as equally amazing to have kept both. Do your children still remember making them? I think it is just wonderful! And then I imagine everytime you take them out during Christmas, you will have that memory of them so little and making them.
Li :-)
I keep all the ornaments my son made me too even the vase made from a plastic drink bottle and the tissue rose. Your stocking is fabulous.
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