This week I wanted to share with you some of my hand woven baskets. As you know, I am a weaver and have been weaving for almost 20 years now. I thought you might enjoy seeing some of my work. Please check in with Beverly at
How Sweet The Sound for the list of participants this week. Check out their blogs to see what they have been up to. Enjoy the pictures and thankyou so much for visiting me this week.

I love the border on this basket. I wove pink flowers into the back and the front. This sweet little basket is the same pattern I wove last year for my then, two year old grand-daughter. This was her Easter basket last year.

This large, round basket has a solid wooden bottom and handles on the sides. I use this for my Halloween candy, it's great.

The pattern name on this basket is "glove" basket because it can be hung on a doorknob to hold gloves, keys, mail ect. when coming and going. I used a pineapple on the front.....did you know that the pineapple is the universal sign of welcome? It's also good luck!

I used a stencil to handpaint the pineapple on the front of this.

This beautiful basket is wonderful displayed on a peg, hook, or used as a wall basket. It can also be placed on the doorknob to hold mail etc. When using your baskets, think outside the box for some unusual ideas.

A close up of the curls on the front of this basket.

This basket shares some of the southwest colors with you. The rim is a little different and I like that.

This is a close up of the x's woven into the basket. That's all for today, I hope you enjoyed seeing just a little of what I like to do in my spare time. Have a great week and see you all next Saturday. Happy Pink Saturday to you and yours.
Love your baskets! They are just great!!
Hugs, Lisa
Your baskets are beautifully made and decorated. Very sweet! Happy PINK Saturday! ♥ Diane
Oh my, they're not just plain baskets but the designs and the details you put in it are so intricate. Beautifully woven. I can see the pink flowers on the first basket. Tulips? :-)
Happy Pink Saturday!
Char, I just found your blog...the baskets are pretty incredible!!! Luvin the curls & the X's. What a wonderful talent!Monica
You do such lovely work! You should be very proud.
Your baskets are sensational!! You are an exceptional basketry artist!!
WOW,WOW,WOW! What beautiful baskets, Char! My very favorite is the one use for your Halloween candy...I like the apple on it!
Thank you for stopping by and leaving me such a nice comment!
You baskets are absolutely darling! I was thinking I could put all my pink eye candy gems in them! lol
Thanks for stopping by my post!
What beautiful baskets. You're very creative. Thanks for sharing your talent with us. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary
What lovely baskets! And that pillow is wonderful!!
HaPpY PiNk SaTuRdAy! :) Marsha
I love the curly trim - such a great idea. Your baskets are all wonderful.
Happy Pink Saturday.
Your baskets are wonderful; very unique! Happy Pink Saturday!
How talented you are! They are just wonderful. Happy Pink Saturday!
Hi Char!
You are multi-talented!!! Love your baskets, but that Easter basket just really is so so sweet...love that pink border on it.
Lovely pink blog post! Another Saturday, where I am taking in all of the pink and visiting some of the most lovely blogs in cyberspace. I need the pink this morning, it's all dark and raining outside. So thanks for the uplift☺
Wishing you and those you l♥ve a weekend filled with sunshine, good food and many, tender memories.
Amazing! Your baskets are beautiful - I love them all! Is that a little "pink" piggy tail I see in the first picture?
Happy Pink Saturday!
Basket weaving is really a neat art. Thanks for showing us this lovely display!
Hi Char,
Those baskets are just darling! I love to see designs that are beautiful and unexpected. Hope you have a lovely week and .•*˙˙*•.HaPPy PiNk SaTuRdaY!.•*˙˙*•.
Cheers! =D
~Kitty Kellie
The Artful Paper Doll
These look like they take an extraordinary amount of effort. They're wonderful! I like the ones with the curls the best! happy Pink Saturday and have a loveleigh weekend!
Beautiful work...love basket. I have Longarburger basket collctions...Your basket looks like their...so pretty...Happy Pink Katherinellen
Awesome baskets...you are very talented...I tried weaving one time, it is not the craft for me but I should try it now that I am older and have a tad bit more patience.
Happy Pink Saturday to you for your beautiful baskets
Very nice and creative work. Congratulations.
Happy Pink Saturday on Sunday. What a very interesting post that was. You are so talented, gorgeous wonderful baskets! Hope your day is full of love and happiness.
Love your baskets, they are beautiful.
Happy pink saturday
Lots of luv,
very pretty baskets.
happy belated pink saturday to you!
Oh my goodness Char, your baskets are exquisite.....your designs are so clever. WOW, what talent!
Thanks for sharing,
i love baskets and yours are some of the prettiest!! amazing craft!! thanks for sharing and happy pink week!
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