This is one of our guest rooms. It's the only one with two beds in it. Spring cleaning was completed here before Easter because we had family visit for the weekend. I think I am well on my way to getting the job done. Summer will be here before we know it. I thought I would share this room with you now that it is almost complete. I do have an antique quilt that will be hung over the beds. I have not hung it yet, because I want to make sure I don't damage the cloth. I'm still researching the best way to display it.

Doesn't everyone need a pair of Dutch shoes?

I found these lamps at Home Goods. I thought they went well with the beds.

This could be your bed.

Another piece of my polish pottery, a mini childs size tea pot and warmer.

The large window has wooden blinds, but needed some color. My favorite is yellow, so I made this. I think it turned out alright, bright and sunny.

I made a window seat and loaded the sides with some of my pillow collection. I have gotten most of them from ebay.

I just love pillows, don't you?!

Some more pillows I have collected.

A few more collections and of course, our sweet grand-daughter when she was a baby. She is now 3 years old. Where has the time gone? I guess that means I am 3 years older also?!

Sometimes you just need a quiet place to relax and sit awhile. The picnic basket to the right of the rocker was a great find from an antique store in Maryland. I not only weave baskets, but I love to collect them as well. Does it ever end?? I don't think so :-)

Would you like a comfortable rocking chair to set in and purhaps read a good book? The pillow is a find on ebay.

I don't know anyone who doesn't like quilts and these are just a few of mine. You never know, staying with me in the desert, you just might need one.

These are some of my husbands baby clothes. Boy have things changed since then. The little yellow shirt on the left has wool in it and unfortunatly also some holes due to moth damage. I also have blankets and some overalls of his, I change these out from time to time.

Just a few of the wooden boxes I have collected thru the years. The little on the bottom right is a crank music box given to me by my husband many years ago. The top middle is a jewelry box from Italy and most of the others are Polish. The dresser scarf they are sitting on was from my mother-in-law.

I used to be in several basket swaps and this is one that I received. The pink dogwoods on the inside bottom are handpainted. What a lovely keepsake.
It is so inviting and pretty !! I love it all :) The pillows are gorgeous. :) And the lamps are nice, they do go very well with the bedding. :) You did a great job, your guests will not want to leave :) :)
What an inviting room!! Can I visit? By the way the kids get older...we stay the same. Thanks Oley, Calgon, Merle
Hi! Stop by tomorrow at
we are having a blog party, participating is a great way to promote your work/site/blog/etsy!
Hope to see you there,
Just lovely, Char. I keep getting off track with new blogging join-ins, but I will be posting a room later in the week with pleas for help! I am so minimalist that I need ideas to warm it up.
What a lovely cozy guest room Hey can I come and stay for a while...lo I love all the beautiful treasures you have.
It's all beautiful. I love the colors. Your window seat looks just like ours. We have two of these upstairs and they also have venetian blinds like yours.
I so enjoyed your make-over. You did a wonderful job. Gorgeous pillows and quilts. I have a terrible weakness for quilts. I use to have several but gave them to friends and family members who always called me "The Quilt Lady" because I always had them and loved to share them with others. That didn't leave me with much. HA
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