Once upon a time, there was the sweetest child you could ever meet. She had a love of pink binkies, and don't kid yourself, she had many. Allie is her name and she has red hair and blue eyes. Allie's birthday was the first week in December and she would be three years old. Now, you must understand, her parents believed she was getting too old for a binkie, she was no longer a baby, but a big girl now. Three whole years to be exact, count them on your fingers, one, two and three. Her parents pondered the question: how do we get her to stop the need for the binkies???? A bright idea came to her mother and they all sat down for a chat around the dinner table. Allie, she asked, now that you are so big, how would you feel about giving Santa all of your binkies to give to all the children out there that need them and don't have any binkies of their own? That was a good idea she thought, and so they rounded up all of Allie's binkies, left them for Santa, which he gladly took, and lived happily ever after.
For anyone following my blog, you know that I am in the middle of spring cleaning. Allie and her family stayed with us last fall while their home was getting painted and recarpeted. When I moved the beds this past week in the guest room to vacumn, I found a pink binkie! I thought of Pink Saturday and the wonderful gift our grand-daughter had donated from her heart to others. I just had to share this story of one little 3 year old child with a heart of gold. This is a pink binkie I will keep and share with Allie in later years.
Happy Pink Saturday to you and yours, and thankyou Beverly from how sweet the sound for making this possible. Please be sure to stop by her blog and everyone else's this week to say hi.

That is very sweet! She will love that storie. And hopefully you can tell her children one day and they will gladly give up their binkies too. How cool it is PINK!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hugs, Lisa
awwwww' what a cutie and a cute story.
The photos in your previous post are just beautiful. I love all the flowers and the strawberry...yum yum
Have a happy day
Ohmygoodness, you really outdid yourself today. I ♥ coming by each week to see what you're sharing with us on Pink Saturday. Your blog is a delight.
Cute binkie story. My sons gave their up at about 6 months...whew, so happy I didn't have to make a bargain to have them disappear.
What a wonderful story! How fortunate that you found one to show her in the future. And, what a blessing Allie is for you.
Yes, my friend, you all in blogging land keep me going between trips to New Orleans. Don't know what I would do without you.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hello, Happy Pink Saturday! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving such a sweet comment. Love your cute little pink binkie story! Thank you for sharing!
Bless you, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage
I love the binkie story !!! Have a wonderful pink Saturday.
Love you blinkie story. In our family they were "wah wahs" why? I have no idea.
Your sweet Allie has red hair and so does ours! Ours is now 14, but go to my blog you will see several pics of her.
Haven't talked in ages.
Happy Pink Saturday!
This is so silly but your post brought tears to my eyes. My "little girl" will be 25 this month. She was four when we finally gave her binkie to Santa. She loved that thing. Actually one of many because we had to keep extra for when she "lost" one. Yikes, that brings back memories!
Have a wonderful pink Saturday!
Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday. Check out my book giveaways!
Come for Blue Monday.
Lovely post!
happy pink saturday
I love Binkie's. Brittany, now 20 had at least 6 on the go. We called them "sousies" it's a french thing.
She would put one in her mouth, take it out and put the other one in and take it out...and this went on and on till she fell asleep.
When her brother was born 2 years later and she moved to the "big girl bed" we took a pair of scissors and snipped a hole in the middle of her sousies...it worked. They were broken. That was it. How mean we were!!!!
Loved your story for PS.
Love Claudie
Cute story! If only they could stay young a little while longer. Happy PS
As a fairly new (9 mos. yesterday) grandmother, of a red-headed blue eyed sweetie, I can really relate to your wonderful story! What a sweet spirit Allie has! Happy Pink Saturday!
Happy Pink Saturday! Love the binkie story! My daughter had so many, I think we had almost 30 binkies!!
Have a great day!
Char, That is such a great story and perfect idea! She is such a sweetie. It is perfect that you will put one aside and share it with her when she is older! Happy Pink Saturday. pink hugs, Ellen
That is so sweet! Our son one day just handed me his binkie, he was about three, and said, Thanks mom but I am too old for these now and never asked again!!
Love your blog and those roosters in your kitchen, I want them. lol ....
Such a sweet story...they grow so fast don't they? She is adorable!
Hope you've had a wonderful PS! :) Diane
AWWWWWWWW what a lovely sweet story. I loved reading it, and she is just a cutie pie. Happy Pink Saturday.
She's adorable! Such a sweet story and a great way to say goodbye to the binkies.
pink binkie it just dosen't get any better. great story.
Allie is a beautiful girl and such a cutie. Love your header photo of the teaset. Happy Pink Saturday.
My daughter is a strawberry blonde. She did not care for the binkies but she likes some pink things. Your Allie is so pretty and she must be a good sharer if she
gave up her binkies. I enjoy your blog and all the pretty towels and creations also.
Have a Blessed Sunday.
Love that binkie story. My husband and I did the same thing with my daughter Rachel when she was about that age except we told her that it was the binkie fairy. It worked! I also saved her binkies and have since shown her. They aren't as cute as that pink one though. They're actually pretty crusty with age now! Thanks for bringing back fond memories for me! Happy Pink day, dear!
Awe, she is a sweetheart. She is so pretty, and Grandma's little girl, you can tell :) I wish I had saved my son's Binkie too :) You are VERY Blessed my friend !!! I hope that you are enjoying Spring, us girls in the desert have to make the most of it quickly, huh ? Lol !!! Happy Pink Saturday Char !!!! :)
Char, thank you for visiting my blog earlier and thank you for sharing a lovely story. Say hi to Allie for me. Chloe Patricia
The sweetest Binkie story ever! She is a doll!
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Pink Saturday
Deanna :D
Oh...I love the pink binkie story! My precious two neighbor babies(ooops...big girls 3 and 2) Alyssa and Addy too need to say farewell to their binkies! On a spring walk two weeks ago they discovered "BIRDSNESTS"...and we are going to leave their binkies in a birdnest...for the baby birdies who are binkie-less....
I love a great binkie story....and I love that someday you will share it again with her.....
I was also wondering? Has Santa sent her a letter telling her about all the babes with their new binkies...there is MAGIC in Santas...and wonderful Grandmas ya know!
What an absolutely sweet story! She is adorable...and I'm sure down the road a few years she'll enjoy hearing this story!
Happy April!
I totally Love that Story! I love the Big Hearts that Children Have! They are so blessed with the ability to give up their most precious things to go to someone else, I can't even give up the TV remote!:) Thank You for sharing your Wonderful Pink!
Happy Belated Pink Saturday!
Allie is adorable! Sweet story, I enjoy your blog. HPS! Mary
What an adorable story; I loved it. Allie is just so cute. Happy pink day!
Oh what an adorable sweetie! she is so pretty! I love the binkie story. Thank you for visiting me on Pink Saturday, and for your kind words! love your beautiful blog!
That is so special that one got left behind for you to share and keep for her. I know you will enjoy telling her he story of the pink binkie.
That is so sweet. I can imagine how you felt when you found the one that was left behind. Great way to break the habit.
What a sweet story! Happy Pink Saturday!
That is so sweet. That is pretty much how our Isabella gave her's up on not to Santa but to other little children who didn't have one. Aren't grandchildren just the best gift our children could give us?
What a sweet, sweet story. I have a "paci" (the same as a binkie) :)
that my grandson had as a baby till the age of two.He's a big ol Texas boy now, well over 6'2" and at 19 is still growing. So I'm wonderfing when I can offer it back to him. lolol. Perhaps I better not, but he was the cutest little one..:)
Happy belated Pink Saturday and have a lovely week.
oh, the days of panic searching for the binky are over but the memories of giggles through the binky linger, thanks for reminding me.
happy pink Sunday?
what a sweet post. My daughter too love the binkie - only we called it an ummy. What a wonderful way to break the habit!
Oh, what a precious story about a precious and adorable little girl!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
What a sweet story. Mine had a passion for binkies too! Lovely entry.
How cute was that story?? And, what a darling little girl. That's a great idea! We had a hard time getting my little grandson to give his binky up too.... Thankfully, he was finally willing. I was afraid he'd go to school with it! :-)
Goody for the Spring Cleaning. I'm usually well on my way by now, but I seem to be dragging my feet. I just can't get into the swing of things....
I have to say I laughed at your comment about the bathroom......you're FUNNY!
Bless you!
Your such a wonderful Grandma! We are so lucky to be in your family. You tell that story so well. Love you! Amber (Allie's mom)
What and sweet story and your grandaughter is so gorgeous!!
What a little pretty girl is Allie. Thanks your your comments.
oh what a sweet story! and a precious granddaughter!Hope your weekend was fabulous!
Sheri~~Prim Rose Hill studio
Happy (belated) Pink Saturday! What a precious story!
And thanks, also, for the basket tutorial in the other post -- it's fascinating (I made one basket once, and let's just say, I could really USE a tutorial!)
Thanks for sharing! Allie is adorable!
Happy (belated) Pink Saturday...on Tuesday! X Es X
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