I spent the last seven days in the beautiful city of Gatlinburg, TN with my husband and two of our closest friends. We were invited to stay at a resort for the week. I couldn't say no to an offer like that one, as you see, fall is my favorite time of year and I didn't want to miss the gorgeous colors of the changing vegetation.
I was amazed at how much decoration there was.....it was EVERYWHERE! Pumpkins, scarecrows and cornstocks. They were tied around anything standing, even had the corn still on the stocks!! Beautiful, large pumpkins were outside buildings, all decorated in the theme of fall. I must say it was very beautiful.
We spent 3 great years in Georgia and loved every minute of the south. There is just something special in the air, the friendly people, the food, a feeling of coming home. Safety maybe? It's hard to explain unless you have been there. I am a city girl, born and raised in the great state of California, but the south has my heart, I must confess. It was hard to leave, but like I have said before, home is where the heart is, or should be...........hummmm??? Has me wondering....
The Great Smoky Mountains were as beautiful as you would imagine. We did a lot of climbing and even saw a black bear. Needless to say, I would love to return some day and repeat the experence......to be continued for sure.
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