Oh, where to begin..... For as long as I can remember, I have been in love with roosters. Roosters of all colors and moods. Mean ones, quite ones, and the most noisy roosters of all time. It doesn't matter, I love you!! I guess I should explain that I was born and raised in the city. I never had a chance to own a rooster or to enjoy all the personalities they bring to your life. Maybe that is the
mystique they hold for me, the wonderment of it all. Some people hate that they keep you up at all hours of the day and night. I think they lull you to sleep, just like church bells or the sound of a train. To me it's tranquility at it's best. So, for this I thank Barb from
Barbs Good Life for throwing this wonderful rooster party. I can't wait to get out and see and the happy little guys that grace other
participants homes and yards.

My son bought me the rooster in the first picture. How did he know?? The rooster above was a find at a local design store named "Poppy"s." They look so proud, don't they?!

Rooster lamps, I can't get enough of them. This one is in my kitchen.

The sweet ceramic rooster above is actually a candle holder. The lamp holds a little votive candle and is very pretty when lite.

Over my kitchen sink I have a sign that reads "kiss the cook" and as you can see, there is another cutie pie on the end.

Above my kitchen cabinets sits a couple of the little gems. One on a tin birdhouse and another which is a candle stick. I bought him when we were living in Germany. Made of wood and a favorite.

This wire bird may actually be a chicken, but for the purpose of this post, I made her a him. At least for the time being......is that bad of me??!!
Shhhhh, I won't tell her if you don't.

He sits on my kitchen island and I not only love him, but also love the shade. It's chicken wire pattern with roosters every so often. The colors are
burgundy and gold......pretty.
Because Pink Saturday is on......Saturday, I went ahead and combined the two parties. I hope you don't mind.
Thank you Beverly from
How Sweet The Sound for making this possible. I love to visit the participants and share their pinks. This week was a very hard one for us as our daughter has been in the hospital since last Sunday night. She came home yesterday, Wed and is doing very well. Turns out she has valley fever. At least she was
diagnosed and now can mend. Prayers for her are appreciated.
I was able to finish this stocking for my website
someplace in thyme and get it listed for this weeks post. If that had not happened, I would have been in trouble this week.

Pretty cameo pink and green fabric, one of my favorites.

A pretty vintage image embossed with some glitter. I also added vintage buttons and lace.

A cut teddy bear hangs from the top along with a bow.

The holidays are not complete without some gingerbread..........

And of course, you have to have bells. Pink ones!!!
Please visit as many participants as possible this week. We all love comments and we love followers too.
My pick for this weeks blog is
Say It With Roses. Please visit
Jil, she has a beautiful blog.
Hi Char, such lovely pictures and the lamps have me drooling in my socks. Gorgeous! Each one is prettier than the last!
Thank you so much for joining the Rooster Party this year. Have a wonderful time with your visiting.
Hugs, Barb ♥
Love your roosters! This party is so much fun. I hope you have time to come to my party too!
OMgoodness you do love Roosters. How funny is this post. I know first hand how a rooster can turn and chase you in a heartbeat. lol
I think I have this first rooster of yours but mine is not as colorful as yours. I painted it years ago when I had my ceramic shop
Love your stockings for Christmas..yes with you all having your shops you have to get started now.
These are beautiful
Hi Char...First, thank you for mentioning me and my blog....I didn't get far last PS as my computer "blew a fuse" you might say. It seems OK now, but it took forever to get all the bad things off of it!
You have an amazing collection of roosters....they look wonderful in among all your things! I have always liked them, too as does my daughter. She has quite a few unusual ones in her kitchen.
I am so sorry Kirsten has Valley Fever. I remember when I was in high school in Tucson it was a scary thing that hit quite a few students...what do they do for it today?
Great Roosters! They are all really smart! Your stocking is lovely as they all are!
Hugs, Lisa
Your roosters are gorgeous but I am in love with that stocking! oohhh ahhhh lovely
OH Char, what wonderful roosters you have....love the one with the chicken wire lamp shade, that is really beautiful.....also love the roping trim at the top of your cabinets....leave it to me to notice something un-roosterish....hugs...cleo
I do love your roosters, thank you for visiting me too:) I love the pink items too Have a wonderful day, Kim
Hi Charlotte,
Thank goodness your daughter is back home, I'm so glad she's on the mend. I had Valley Fever, a real bad case, it's miserable. Your stockings are so pretty, I hope you sell them all!
Love your Roosties and I love your stocking my talented friend. Thanks for the tips on the hydrangeas!
Char...I hope your daughter continues to be getting well. She will be in my prayers for sure,
Love all of your roosters! I was into roosters long before they became popular!! They were every-
where in my kitchen! By the time they "caught on" with other people, I'd tired of them and went on to something else to replace them. But while I used them, I sure loved them!
Your stocking is beautiful...as you know, pink and green combined are my two favorite colors! And I have always loved the Victorian Santa the best!
However, all of the stockings you have shown us that you made lately are gorgeous! I like the one with the girl (angel), too!
You are such a talented lady!
Have a fun weekend xxxxxxx Francy
Hello Char, just love all your pieces in your rooster collection. Amazing seeing everyone's posts for this party and now I'm inspired to find me some fowl play for my "Love Shack". Happy Pink Saturday, fondly, Roberta
Wonderful roosters!
And I'm crazy about that stocking, the colors are just lovely. :-)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Oh what a delightful visit - both your lovely rooster collectibles including those sweet ceramic roosters AND the fun Christmas goodies! Such a treat! Praying for your daughter. :)
Thanks for sharing your roosters, hope you've had a roosterific party!
i have an old house Yellow kitchen with roosters. mu hubby wants me to add no more to the kitchen. Love your rooster items. the xmas stocking are beautiful. Rose
You sure love roosters! Oh don't worry, I won't tell her. Well, with all the rooster rave in this party, I think she deserve a shining moment too :-)
There again your pretty pretty Christmas stockings. These stockings have really evolved from what I can remember having my own as a little girl :-) Love that cutie patootie gingerbread man! Have to resist biting him LOL
Happy Pink Saturday!
hi! thanks for sharing your wonderful pink saturday!!!
Happy Pink Saturday! Love your roosters, but especially your stocking. I'm sending well wishes to your daughter too.
Char thanks for stopping by. I have been away for awhile but I have taken the time once in a while to drop by etsy cottage style site and your blog. You are doing so many pretty things. Smart girl to be getting Christmas done early. I haven't even thought about it. I hope I don't get caught short. Good to hear from you again! Carol
I love roosters too and yours are the cutest! Happy Pink Saturday!
Sherry @ A Happy Valentine
Good Morning Char Sweetie...
Happy Pink Saturday and it looks like you have a few roosters for the celebration too. What a beautiful celebration that Barb had over at Bella Vista.
Your stocking is so beautiful. I love the fabrics and ofcourse I love the little gingerbread man. Isn't he a sweet addition? And the little ball on the toe? Love it. You are so talented sweet friend. I love to come and see what you have created for the week. I pray you are feeling better sweetie.
Have a gorgeous Saturday. We are being hit with rain right now. It has been coming down off and on since 6am. The thunder woke me up. What a wonderful surprise.
Many hugs and much love sweetie, Sherry
Isn't it great that roosters have been popular so long-I've got several in my kitchen-thanks for sharing!
So glad your daughter is on the mend - although I've never heard of valley fever! Sounds nasty....
Love your collection of roosters. There's a discontinued set of Laura Ashley china I always yearned for... yellow roosters - a perfect breakfast set. The month I went to buy them, I found out they had been discontinued the month earlier. Bummer! So I totally empathise with your addiction, lol.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Beautiful treasures Thank you for sharing..Happy Pink Saturday!
Hi Char, first my prayers for your daughter to get well very quickly, oh my! Second, beautiful roosters, I am a city girl, too, maybe that IS why we love our roosters?? Third, love the stocking, must head to your shop..I keep waiting for my ship to come in, I would love to get my DIL and my other son's grlfriend beautiful stocking each from your shop..Hopefully I can do that this year.
Have a great day and stop by if you get a chance!
Your stocking are so pretty .Too pretty to just use at Christmas only.I would have to find a way to use all year . I have been collecting chickens for years too I have them from all over the world Laura Q
Oh such lovely pictures. love your christmas in august! thanks for your visit today!
Happy PS!
Maggie @
"Do these shoes match this purse?"
I love your wire 'rooster'. It's so unique.
Love the colors of your roosters. You have some beautiful lamps.
You have the prettiest roosters!!!! Your are my fav!!!
Char, I love the pinks you chose to share with us for Pink Saturday, but I'm really impressed with all those roosters.
I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary
Hi Char, I LOVE all of your roosters! My kitchen is full of them too, can't get enough! I especially love your little tin birdhouse with the rooster weathervane! I also love seeing all of the natural wood in your home... the all white homes are nice, but I still love how warm and inviting natural woods look... sounds like you are alot like me, cannot pass up a beautiful rooster! xoxo Julie Marie
Hi Char, so nice to meet you! Thanks a bunch for stopping by to look at my roosters. Your roosters are wonderful. I am having great envy for your fabulous lamps! ; )
I'm following you now & look forward to reading all of your posts!
Thanks for the precious comment on my post! It really made me smile! I love your post AND your blog and am now following you! Looking forward to seeing you around! (I hate that you missed the music I had with the post...chickens clucking to "In the Mood"...lol!)
HI Char,
Thank you for visiting my blog! I love your wire rooster. You have a great blog and now I am headed to etsy to take a look at all your pretties!
Enjoy your day!
Hi Char,
Thank you for visiting my blog and your kind words about my art work. I love your wire rooster!
I am now headed over to etsy to see all your pretties.
Enjoy your day!
Hello Char,
Thanks for all of the wonderful feedback on my Rooster and Business posts. I am so happy to meet you!
I noticed your mention of stained glass on the side bar. When I was young we had a neighbor who taught my brother and I to do stained glass. Granted our projects were small and basic but it gave me a wonderful appreciation for the work and talent that goes into it.
I am glad your daughter is home and recovering. I don't think I have ever heard of Valley Fever.
I'll be back to visit again. Looking forward to it.
Becky K.
Love your lamps, they are just beautiful. Thanks so much for visiting and your wonderful comments. Drop in anytime.
Love your chicken wire in the lampshade. Thanks for stopping by!!!
Wonderful roosters. Love that lamp shade that looks like chicken wire. I can see why that candle stick from Germany is a favorite. It's a work of art. Your Christmas stocking is gorgeous. laurie
You have some wonderful roosters!! Cant even decide which one I like best.
Hi Char, I really enjoyed your gorgeous roosters. They do look happy in your home! And Loooove your Victorian stocking.
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your comment, I'm a newer blogger and am so happy to meet up with others.
I am just blown away by the amount of gorgeous Roosters a lot of the bloggers have. Just fabulous.
Lovely xmas stotcking too.
Love your lamp and all your little cocka doodle doos. Charming blog! Your Christmas Stocking is also just stunning. (I do love pink and green!) I am sorry you had such a trying week and I am glad your daughter is out of the hospital and mending. I'm not familiar with Valley Fever - but I know it must be a bad thing to contract,poor darling! I will say a prayer for her. Thank you for coming by and for your sweet comment! I'll be back to visit soon.
You have lovely roosters. I am in love with all your lamps, Char. Great job on the stockings!...Christine
Lovely rooster you have too! I love the lamps!!
Thanks so much for visiting my roosters as well...;-)
Your roosters are so lovely. Thanks for sharing and thanks for visiting me.
Love your roosters.. they are exquisite... wow. The lamp with the chicken wire shade is great. Your stocking are beautiful - so well made. thanks for dropping in and leaving such a nice comment.
jumping back to say thanks for your comment on my blog re pets. yesterday i went to a shop and came across atable ronner with roosters.plan to surprise the hubby who thinks i go overboard. Take care Rose
Your roosters are colorful and very beautiful! Your lamps are some of the prettiest I've seen.
Have a blessed week.
~Melissa :)
Thanks for stopping by Char....love your roosters especially the one on your counter with the shade that has the look of chicken wire.
Rooster lamps, I think I need at least one! I have a lot of roosters, but no rooster lamps, and I like yours very much.
Pink, pink and roosters,what an interesting combination of parties, although I did see a pink rooster at Keetha's blog.
I love your very pretty pink creations and will check out your web site. I hope your daughter is well soon and will offer up a prayer for her~
Wonderful roosters and I enjoyed the photos so much...are there really that many different roosters, wow!!!! Hope your daughter is on the mend...I am slowly getting there!
Thanks for the visit, take care!!!
Margaret B
Love your rooster lamps. That is something I would love to have for my kitchen.
Oh and your stockings are just lovely!
Hi Char,
I am visiting from rooster party. Love your roosters. The white ones are so neat. I love your Cmas sock too. Very pretty. Thanks for stopping by.
Forgot to mention love the name..mine is never enough thyme!
Sorry for my late arrival to the party...I've been on vacation! I LOVE your rooster collection....and I especially love the Kiss the Cook sign :)
You have lots of beautiful roosters! I like the vignettes they are in, as well! The Rooster Party is so much fun to see everybody's roos!!
Beautiful stocking!
I am still trying to get around to all the rooster parties!! I made it to the "S" blogs now!!! I love your collection of roosters! I love rooster lamps and so want one!!
I'm late for the party, but really enjoyed it anyway! Loved your roosters and have decided that I need a rooster lamp! Annie
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