Around 12 years ago, my sister in law introduced me to a flea market in Galt, CA where they sold tons of statuary. I was hooked!!! Everyone should have an angel in their rose garden...so sweet and such a lovely child.

Most of us have bird baths and my garden is no exception. The birds need this water on our hot, hot triple digit days.

Doesn't everyone have an elephant in their yard?!

Maybe two?

Poolside is an alligator just waiting for a meal.....want to take a swim.....enter at your own risk!

I always wanted a rooster and concret is the best I can do for now.....sigh

See, there he is......just watching and waiting.

A lovely pair of birds, and they don't make a mess.

Aren't they just the cutest couple?

Spring brought this for me to gaze upon.....have you ever seen anything so beautiful.

This cactus was loaded with blooms. Aah....

A close up of the blessings mother nature gives us. I am blessed.

Another angel watching and keeping us safe. I hope you enjoyed seeing a bit of the craziness that goes on in our back yard.....I think I still have room for one more.
wow Char, that cactus with the blooms was a real treat to see. Thanks for sharing your statuary:)
Hi Char :) Thanks for giving us a tour of your beautiful gardens, with the faux "animals" that live there :) 2 Elephants, an alligator, a rooster, and birds! These are much friendlier that the real things!! Your cactus is quite lovely all in bloom.
Hoping the rest of your week is simply fabulous!!
Warmest Hugs to you, Brenda
Wow!! Those are BEAUTIFUL Char! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
That cactus is gorgeous. What a beautiful place for it to thrive. I love all of your statuarys-every garden deserves an angel. All of the animals are lovely-Happy Outdoor Wed.
Wow, that cactus is amazing! I had no idea they had such pretty blooms!
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