A little Bit About Me

My photo

Someplace in Thyme

I have been creating since I was a little girl. I am happy to say that having my own website has opened up a whole new world for me. Trying new mediums is a joy and sometimes a real eye opener. I sell what I create on etsy and my website, someplaceinthyme. If you have questions,please email me at cpeterson72@q.com. I welcome new blog friends and am honored if you find my little piece of heaven interesting enough to follow.

Monday, May 26, 2008

The Desert Is Warming Up, Summer Is Here

We were lucking enough to have a wonderful week in the 70's with 3 days of rain, but that was then and this is now......in the 90's this week and it's here to stay. Get out the suits everyone because pool time is getter closer....it would be very difficult to live in this type of heat without the help of a hole in the ground, filled with sparkling blue water. The problem with summer in the desert is that it doesn't cool off at night. There is so much concrete, roads, walls and stucco that retain the heat, you can't get away from it. It's a wonderful life if you love being outside 12 months of the year, playing golf or just playing, bar-b-queing, swimming, fishing, hiking etc. The problem with all of this sun worshiping is that it is just too long. Summer will last around 5 months before we see a break in the 100 degree temps. Oh well, better go find that suit and the sun tan lotion.......it's a rough life, but someone has to live it.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Lazy Blogger

I must say that I am probably the worst blogger known to mankind. I really have the desire to write, share pictures and let everyone know what my opinions are, but it's the time factor that leaves much to be desired lately. There just isn't any of it left in the day for me. Why? you ask?? Well, our son and family just bought a larger home and sold theirs. We all got together, both sides of the family and pitched in to help. We are now fortunate enough to have them with us until their new home closes and the finishing touches are in place. That should be about 3 weeks or so. We love having them here, because we now see our 2 yr old grand daughter every day, and what could be better??!! Thus the time factor.............between listing on ebay, etsy, vintagetochic and now I'm on icraft....I know, but don't despair, I haven't listed on there yet, there is little time to create beautiful cottage and primitive items to sell. I have so many ideas and need to get busy. So, with that being said, I promise to return with pictures to share and ideas to give.............................some day soon!!!!