We were lucking enough to have a wonderful week in the 70's with 3 days of rain, but that was then and this is now......in the 90's this week and it's here to stay. Get out the suits everyone because pool time is getter closer....it would be very difficult to live in this type of heat without the help of a hole in the ground, filled with sparkling blue water. The problem with summer in the desert is that it doesn't cool off at night. There is so much concrete, roads, walls and stucco that retain the heat, you can't get away from it. It's a wonderful life if you love being outside 12 months of the year, playing golf or just playing, bar-b-queing, swimming, fishing, hiking etc. The problem with all of this sun worshiping is that it is just too long. Summer will last around 5 months before we see a break in the 100 degree temps. Oh well, better go find that suit and the sun tan lotion.......it's a rough life, but someone has to live it.
Awww! I wanna go! My brother is moving to Arizona this week. He and the wife are tired of the gray, cold weather here in the great Pacific Northwest. I saw your work in P.E.P and thought I would stop by. You pieces are just heavenly!
Kellie, thankyou so much for stopping in. I have to admit, I love the Pacific Northwest and would go in a heartbeat. I truely am in the wrong area. I love cloudy, rainy days. Fireplaces with real logs, oh the smell of the burning wood. Speaking of woods, how can you not want that!!?? There is so much to be said for the desert tho, but today it's 110 degrees. You didn't mention when your brother was moving here or where. Oh yes you did, this week, just in time for the worst season ever....summer. I have to warn you, it's hot hot hot right now. At 3 am it will still be 100 degrees. This takes some getting used to, but 9 months out of the yr it's pure heaven. Cold at night (it gets down to the teens) and 70's during the day. I guess I'll stay........
Hehehehehehe. I too like the fires and curling up on those cold nights. I have a gas fireplace and it is absolutely perfect for me.
Brother is in Chandler and apparently he LOVES the warmer weather. Both of them have lived in AZ before which is why they wanted to go back.
Have you lived in AZ all of your life? I'm originally from San Diego. If I moved anywhere I think I might enjoy St. Thomas for awhile. (tee hee)
Cheers! =D
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